Sushant Singh Rajput's Death Case : Rhea Chakraborty Arrested!

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Minggu lepas adik Rhea, Showik Chakraborty ditahan oleh team Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) kerana terlibat dalam illegal trade of drugs di Bollywood. Dari situ pendedahan demi pendedahan dibuat antaranya 25 nama pelakon Bollywood yang menjadi pelanggan Showik dan Rhea. 

Dari siasatan Enforcement Directorate dan pihak CBI, Rhea pernah berjumpa dengan Gaurav Arya untuk beli dadah di Goa. Tapi dalam interview bersama Aaj Tak News, Rhea bagitahu Sushant Singh Rajput druggie sejak mereka berkawan lagi walaupun Rhea banyak kali advice untuk stop. Bila ditanya tentang status dia, Rhea bagitahu dia tak pernah hisap dadah. 

Lepas siasatan bersama CBI, Rhea dipanggil ke pejabat NCB untuk drug nexus di Bollywood dan bila beberapa statement Rhea tak konsisten, NCB putuskan untuk tahan Rhea Chakraborty. NCB akan merayu pada court melalui video call conference supaya Rhea ditahan selama 14 hari untuk siasatan di bawah seksyen 8(c), 20(b), 27(a), 28 dan 29 dalam Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS), 1985. 


  • Section 8(c) of the NDPS Act states that produce, manufacture, possess, sell, purchase, transport, warehouse, use, consume, import inter-State, export inter-State, import into India, export from India or tranship any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance, except for medical or scientific purposes requires a licence or permit by the concerned authorities. The aforementioned section of the NDPS Act also prohibits the cultivation of th cannabis plant and the production, possession, use, consumption, purchase, sale, transport, warehousing, import inter-State and export inter-State of ganja for any purpose. 
  • Section 20(b) of the NDPS Act reads, "produces, manufactures, possesses, sells, purchases, transports, imports inter-State, exports inter-State or uses cannabis, shall be punishable." The punishment under this section includes rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to ten years and also includes a fine which may extend to one lakh rupees.
  • Section 27(a) of NDPS Act pertains to the consumption of any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance. This particular section prescribes the punishment for a person consuming a narcotic drug or psychotropic substance that includes cocaine, morphine, diacetylmorphine or any other narcotic drug/psychotropic substance. The punishment states rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or a fine may extend to twenty thousand rupees. 
  • Section 28 of the NDPS Act provides for punishment for any offender slapped with the NDPS Act. 
  • Section 29 of the NDPS Act lays out the Punishment for abetment and criminal conspiracy. It states that anyone who abets or is a party to a criminal conspiracy shall be punishable with the prescribed penalty provided for the offence. 

Dan dari keputusan mahkamah melalui video call conference pada jam 7.30 malam IST, Rhea Chakraborty dipenjarakan atas kesalahan di atas. Selepas 14 hari, perbicaraan kes akan diadakan. Hopefully Rhea akan buka mulut pula tentang pembunuhan Sushant sementara pakar forensik tunggu keputusan ujian viscera bila mereka yakin ada kemungkinan Sushant dijerut sehingga mati. 


  1. fuh, akhirnya di tahan juga.
    hope ada keadilan utk sushant.
    Rhea ni the master mind la kot.

    1. not sure kak pip, sebab belum tahu lagi motif pembunuhan sushant dengan manager dia

  2. Rhea ni , apa yg dia cuba nak sembunyi kan eh...


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