Say Hi To Teddy

Wednesday 16 August 2017

I normally hate teddy bears. Especially Winnie the Pooh. Because back then there's a TV show I'm sorry I don't remember the title but I clearly remember it was TV3 airing a ghost/horror flick series and yes of course Pooh was one of the ghost. A 7 years old kid died because Pooh strangled her to death. And guess whom affected by that? Well, of course, its ME!

Never ever in my life I have crush on any teddy bears and yes of course I loathe Pooh. I'm not even watch the cartoon or buy any product under Pooh's brand or name. And here comes Chucky. I loathe every doll ever existed either. They're not even worth my time. 

But last month walking around Giant figuring out what to buy, my eyes locked at a pile of teddy bears. They're so cute! And my heart just fell on this one! 

He looks sad like a cute sad one. You get what I mean? So I just picked him up and bring him back home. Just like that. 26 years of hatred and here I am sleeping with a teddy giving my life a brand new definition?

Why I did that? I don't know. I just need a new color in my life I bet. And did the bear haunt me or doing a weird stuff? So far, all he did is sitting at a corner and sleeping with me at night giving me the best comfort I want. Of course I feel safe. Of course I feel happy. Of course I'm in love with my teddy. 

Oh oh oh there's an uncle at Giant when I'm about to pay at the cashier counter, smiling at me from afar but his eyes looking at my teddy. When I passed by him, he quickly grab teddy's hand grinning saying he's cute. I thought I was the only adult feeling like that. Pffftt.

Movie Review | Jab Harry Met Sejal

Tuesday 15 August 2017

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Director : Imtiaz Ali
Stars : SRK, Anushka Sharma
Rating : 3/10

Sembang pasal movie Imtiaz Ali, Idk what happened to him after Highway. Maybe he already lost that spark. Nobody knows. Tamasha hambar, thanks for album collection yang power so orang akan sentiasa ingat movie Tamasha. & the same thing happen with Jab Harry Met Sejal, album collection power tapi sayangnya storyline is unbearable. 

A long, tiresome, cliche journey with Harry & Sejal for 2 hours & 24 minutes. Sedih bila King buat movie macam ni padahal dah janji dengan fans akan selalu bagi movie kebaboom. Layan movie Varun Dhawan lagi bagus sebab ada mesej bagus kepada society. Sad...... just sad by watching SRK's career these days. 

Harrinder Singh/Harry (Shah Rukh Khan) seorang womanizer tourist guide di Europe. Lepas habis job & hantar satu group pelancong India ke airport, here comes Sejal (Anushka Sharma) bagitahu yang dia hilang cincin tunang dia. 

Following her leads which her pictures wearing that ring, they find it across Europe and finally involve with Gas, a gangster. & oh yeah baby Indian is everywhere. Dekat Europe ni pun boleh jumpa gangster Indian yang kononnya ganas kemain but all you got is gangster rempit. Tapi sebenarnya Sejal tipu je, cincin tunang dia ada dalam bag dia selama ni tak pernah hilang pun. Dia saja je nak pergi jalan-jalan cari skandal sebab dia tahu nanti lepas kahwin kena jadi isteri yang tunduk dengan perintah suami which is typical Indian housewife. Movie ni takkan terjadi kalau Sejal bagitahu dekat parents dia yang dia taknak kahwin. Imtiaz Ali takkan menanggung malu movie dia flop & SRK tak payah terima kecaman sebab lagi satu movie dia gagal di box office. 

JHMS ni sepatutnya kisah pasal Harry yang depressed teruk selalu fikir pasal nak bunuh diri tapi bahagia bila jumpa Sejal & jumpa erti hidup. Ini sebenarnya cerita asal dia sebab tu slogan dia 'What you seeking is seeking you' tapi lepas jumpa SRK, boleh pulak dia tukar kepada movie rom-com chick flick like apakahhh? We're talking about Imtiaz Ali kot. Kau nak chick flick kau pergi jumpa Farah Khan lah tak pun KJo!

Anushka spend 6 months belajar accent Gujarati tapi sama macam fake lips dia yang rosak lepas plastic surgery, both are unbearable. Instead of taking Anushka Sharma, team JHMS ni boleh cut cost dengan ambil actress baru macam Pooja Hedge, Disha Patani, Athiya Shetty or Saiyami Kher

Character Sejal sama je macam Tara dalam Tamasha, tak lari jauh mana pun. Menyampah tau bila Anushka ambil character yang sama je. Masuk ni dah berapa kali dah dia berlakon watak bubbly girl. Character development? Yillek. & berlakon dalam movie Imtiaz Ali, Idk why dia gigih sangat potray heroin ni miang kemain. No, we dont seduce guy that way Imtiaz. Tskkkk

Sembang pasal unnecessary scene, bilamana Imtiaz Ali pun dah bertukar genre dari intense, plot-twist love story kepada genre Rohit Shetty which is masala. Yes guys, Imtiaz Ali nak join masala world. We don't need you there Imtiaz. Nope. Please don't go there. I want Cocktail, Rockstar, Highway kind of movies not Jab Harry Met Disappointment movie. Punya lah sakit jiwa sampai tersengguk depan laptop tunggu bila lah nak habis. Bila kau tengok 2 movie (Annabelle 2 & JHMS) sengguk macamni dalam seminggu boleh murung tahu?

Tak tahu lah ni sebenarnya movie Imtiaz Ali ataupun team Red Chillies sebab movie ni sangatlah entah apa benda. Diorang ni stuck dalam kisah cinta 90-an padahal kita dah 2017 dah. Mungkin SRK nak orang ingat zaman kegemilangan dia tapi tu lah, dah 2017 dah. Wake up!!!

But hey, thanks to Pritam, we got to listen a beatiful music album sama macam dalam Tamasha & a big applause to Hawayein. Arijit Singh, King Khan, music & lyrics is such a superb combo! 

Another beautiful thing in this movie of course lah Europe's scenery yang cantik kemain. Itu je lah pun yang buat kau happy and senyuman SRK. Hewhewhew

Plus, its such a pleasure lah to watch chemistry Anushka & SRK lepas kisah cinta diorang gagal dalam Jab Tak Hai Jaan cuma salah platform je. Both of them can do better than this. 

Ada part SRK still charming lah tapi ada part kau teringat dia dah 50-an so that smile wont work cuma nampak geli sebab bercinta dengan anak dara letops. I wish SRK still hot and charming as Tom Cruise. Damn hot!

Squat Challenge 30 Days

Sunday 13 August 2017

Dulu macam berat je hati nak buat challenge ni sebab 
1. Malas
2. Squat tu penat kot
3. Sebulan komitment
4. Malas
5. Malas

But then, bila tengok feedback positive, dicampur dengan rasa bosan try la jugak buat squat ni. Untuk minggu awal tu okay la senang je nak buat sebab bawah 100 kali. Tak sampai sejam pun dah settle tapi bila dah masuk minggu kedua dah mula fikir mampu ke nak buat ni? Tapi okay je, takde masalah pun nak buat. 

Bila masuk 160 dah mula dah sakit lutut. Ni bukan sakit lutut biasa, ni sampai nak berjalan pun boleh menangis rasa sebab menyucuk kemain. Masa tu slow down sikit tapi buat jugak mana mampu. Then sambung balik macam biasa sampai lah habis. 

Buat squat ni masa busy fotostat documents. Sementara tunggu mesin fotostat lama kemain sebab kadang tu kena copy satu rim A4 paper. So boleh lah buat sementara tunggu daripada melangut kan? Lagipun dekat office tak ada cctv, officemate pun semua pergi site makanya boleh lah kita nak melunjur ke membengkok ke dalam office sebab tak ada yang tengok. 

Tak sangka lepas sebulan mampu jugak habiskan challenge ni. Walaupun perubahan kepada diri tu tak lah gempak sangat tapi happy sebab mampu bagi komitmen tinggi macam ni. Yang awal katanya tak nak & tak mampu tu, at last dapat jugak habiskan! Yeayyyyy

Lepas dah berjaya challenge ni, nak buat push up and sit up challenge pulak sebab cinta hati yang bagi challenge ni so kita kena lah sahut seruan dengan penuh rasa semangat, ye dok? Lagi satu, mana boleh kalah dengan partner sendiri. Mana boleh biar dia kurus sorang-sorang. Hewhewhew

Cepat lah sikit dapat body macam Katrina Kaif hihi